The Planning Act: A Complete Guide

The Planning Act controls property manipulation and modification in Ontario through land use restrictions.

Property owners in Ontario continually request modification, creation or deletion of easements. The general consensus from the population at large seems to be: “If I have a plan, an agreement with my neighbour, and a lawyer, I can do it!”. Sadly, this is not the case. The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13) regulates transactions of Real Property in Ontario.

As a future home buyer, its important to understand the Planning Act to make sure the purchased property is valid in the eyes of the governing authorities.

What Is The Planning Act?

The primary purpose of the Act is to control the acquisition, disposition, and severance of land in a way that aligns with a municipality’s planning objectives. The Act also gives the municipality the power to enact Zoning prohibitions, perform expropriations, and generally prohibit unauthorized use of Land in Ontario. The Planning act also requires municipalities to have and update an Official Plan.

Section 50 is likely the most germane for residential property owners in Ontario. This section is especially restrictive in nature.

The Consequence of Infringement

Contravention of Section 50 of the Planning Act doesn’t just affect the owner; it affects subsequent owners. Subsection 50(21) of The Planning Act stipulates that any transaction prohibited by the Act (including conveyances and mortgages) does not create a valid interest in the land.

Buyers should perform careful due diligence to ensure a seller can grant valid interest in the land.

It’s especially important to ensure the subject property of conveyance does not have a history of contravention. For example, suppose two neighbours agree to registration of an easement, without obtaining consent from the applicable authority. Such transaction would contravene the act. If you purchase one of these properties, your interest in the purchased property could be rendered null and void. The registered owner could not convey the easement nor the remaining parcel without contravening the act.

The Prohibition: Subsection 50(3)

Section 50(3) of The Planning Act reads:“No person shall convey land by way of a deed or transfer, or grant, assign or exercise a power of appointment with respect to land, or mortgage or charge land, or enter into an agreement of sale and purchase of land or enter into any agreement that has the effect of granting the use of or right in land directly or by entitlement to renewal for a period of twenty-one years or more…”

On the surface, it would essentially seem that all transactions involving Real Property in Ontario are prohibited, with the exception of a short term lease (without the option to renew).

However, subsections 50(3)(a) thru 50(3)(h) provide exceptions to the prohibition.

Merging on Title: Look Before you Leap

The Planning Act stipulates that if an individual takes title to a parcel immediately abutting another parcel they already own (the definition of abutting is discussed later), then the ownership says to “Merge on Title”. As such, Parcel A and Parcel B become one parcel. The Municipality would require consent if the owner wanted to sell Parcel B. Such transaction would then be considered a severance. (There are exceptions to this rule, discussed later.) To ensure avoiding of a merger, seek expert advice.

(A) Plans of Subdivision

Subsection 50(3)(a) does not prohibit transactions so long as they occur in accordance with and within a registered plan of subdivision.

After all, why would the municipality need to re-consent to the same division of land?

However, this does not mean owners are free to continue further divisions or easements. Subsection 50(5) discusses the confusing topic of “Part Lot Control” (see below).

Example: Owner owns Lot A on Plan 123, and wishes to purchase lot B. If both Lot A, and Lot B are on the Registered Plan of Subdivision PL-123, then Owner could take title to Lot B in the same manner as Lot A. If Owner wishes to sell Lot A and retain Lot B, he could do so without contravening the Planning Act.

It is important to remember that these lots must be whole in nature. If your parcel of land is comprised of Parts (which can be determined in the legal description), this exception would not apply.

**note, the act does stipulate that a municipality could revoke this privilege by enacting a by-law. Expert advice should be sought to ensure avoidance of contravention.**

Newly constructed homes, like the ones here, are usually built on lots that are registered in a Plan of Subdivison.

(B) No Abutting Lands

Subsection 50(3)(b) is the most widely used exception to the prohibitions outlined in The Planning Act. A person may carry out the transaction as long as they “do not retain the fee or the equity of redemption” (ownership or right to) “in any land abutting the land that is buying conveyed or otherwise dealt with”, unless that land is the whole of a lot or block in a subdivision (see exception A).

If an owner only owns one parcel of land (Parcel A), and not any land abutting it, they are free to sell, mortgage, or otherwise transact Parcel A in any manner they wish, even if the parcel is described as part of a lot.

(C,D,E,G,H) Involving Government and Environmental Projects

These paragraphs, though illustrating different situations, all provide for when a governmental agency requires acquisition or disposal of land.

(F) Consent Obtained

The final major exception occurs when governmental consent is obtained with respect to the transaction.

Paragraph 53 outlines some conditions of consent, including expiry. According to The Planning Act, government consent lapses after two years the decision is given. It’s important to note that the consent period can be shortened or carry conditions by order of the consenting authority.

Closing Loopholes

There are a few notable loopholes that have been closed with amendments to The Act. A few notable closures are described below:

  • Section 15 prevents prohibited transactions from occurring simultaneously. For Example, if an owner owned Parcel A and Parcel B, selling both halves to different owners at the same instant would still contravene the Act, despite the appearance of owning “no abutting lands”.
  • Section 16 prevents partial mortgage discharge, with exceptions
  • Section 18 Requires ministerial approval to foreclosures to parts of land. This prevents using foreclosure to force severance by conveying a designated portion of land via proceedings
  • Section 19 prevents land owners from altering arrangements of ownership (i.e. tenants in common vs joint tenants) for the purpose of creating a different legal ownership structure and preventing merger.


The Planning Act, though complex in nature, is an incredibly useful piece of legislature. Proper care and expert guidance should be sought when navigating.

The importance of ensuring not only your transaction, but transactions proceeding yours is paramount to ensuring clear, legal, and valid title.

Do you have a Planning Act question or comment? Looking to obtain guidance regarding a specific issue? Contact Us for a free, no obligation consultation

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5 Responses

  1. Hi Baron, can I book a free consultation with you? I’d like to ask you about the planning act and how it applies in unorganized townships. It is my understanding that people who own property in unorganized townships are not restricted by the number of dwellings they can erect on their property.
    However, that seems to contravene the planning act, have there been recent changes to the Act that would impact the number of dwellings a owner can have on their land in unorganized townships? Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you.

  2. Good Morning Baron,
    How do I go about confirming that the creation of an easement went through the proper process – particularly “obtaining consent from the applicable authority”. This would be pre-1966?
    Looking forward to your reply!

    1. Hello Natalie – the planning act was enacted in 1946. If the easement was registered before this date then, it would not need to have had authority granted. After this date, you’d have to go find the records in the local municipal office in which the authority would have been granted.

      1. Thank You! Your website has been most eye-opening! I may call you for a consult on our very unusual case!

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