Spencer Grimes

Sales Representative

Spencer passionate about pairing his love of residential real estate with responsible community planning.

Spencer Grimes graduated from Queen’s University with a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Economics and Geography, also earning a certificate in Urban Planning.

Spencer’s passions are to pair his love of residential real estate with proper and responsible community planning.

Having started a career in mutual funds and a maven in the Toronto tech start up scene, Spencer’s passions for human connection quickly became evident. Developing meaningful relationships with his clients and understanding their needs on a deeper level has proven paramount to his success.

In 2021, Spencer joined Alloway Property Group and endured the pressure of changing market conditions.

Having experienced sellers, neutral, and buyers markets, Spencer has gained substantial knowledge over his 3 years at the Brokerage and specializes in residential resale statistical analysis.

Honesty and transparency through efficient communication is Spencer’s hallmark. His desire is to make his clients feel as though they are always his top priority, and that they can feel comfortable and trust his abilities when working together. Spencer believes that success is a product of having love for what you do, expanding your knowledge, and always keeping clients needs are the forefront of any transaction.

When Spencer is not in the office, he can often be found on the golf course, fishing, or in the hockey rink.

Spencer's Listings

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